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Cable #7
700 Ft
Termék címkék:

Cable #7

700 Ft
Átlagos értékelés: Nem értékelt
Várható szállítás: 2024. szeptember 11.


Cover pencils by Aron Wiesenfeld, inks by Al Vey. Fathers and Sons Act 2: Illuminated Knights, script by Fabian Nicieza, pencils by Aron Wiesenfeld, inks by Al Vey and Jon Holderedge; Tyler uses Askani to learn the true origin of Cable and Stryfe; Cable, now fully possessed by Stryfe, takes down X-Force and heads for Tyler's stronghold; Domino reaches the X-Men and informs Cyclops that Cable is really his. Cable pinup, pencils by Tony Daniel [as Antonio Daniel], inks by Jon Holdredge. 36 pgs. $2.00. Cover price $2.00.

egyéb képregények miatt keress a cablecomicshungary@gmail.com címen


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